Tuesday, May 31, 2011

just one of those days!

You know, the kind that you roll out of bed with a fussy baby at 5:30am after a long night of receiving next to no sleep. The kind that after refereeing a couple of squabbles you decide to go and fix breakfast only to run out of pancakes because the kids wanted thirds. Once the kids were cleaned up, the baby crawls to you crying due to messy britches. You change that. Figure out something for your own breakfast (you didn't get pancakes) and then your second child hollers, "mom, I went poop!". Fix that. Come back to eat your breakfast standing up just to insure you can swallow. Mid-morning snack time now. Second child spills water all over the clothes you just put on her. Change those. First child doesn't like the cartoon you picked out so she throws a tantrum. Fix that. Take a shower. Baby's awake from nap. Poopy again. Change that. Second child wants lunch (yes, even though it's only 10:30am, she's been awake for nearly 5 hours!) Lunch time everyone! Oh, bummer. All we have are apples and peanut butter. That works. Apples and peanut butter everywhere! Second child has peanut butter from her head to her toes- literally. Once she is washed and her clothes are changed AGAIN, I hear the toilet lid slam. Yep, second child did not close the toilet lid and third child decided it was a fun bucket of water to play in. Not cool. Clean him up. First child is now hollering, "mom, I'm all done and I need washed!" Clean her. Sit for two seconds and hear a crash. Third child fell down the stairs and was stuck between the rail. Bloody lip. Soothed that. By this time, it was time to just go for a drive. Everyone gets locked in their seats. Nobody gets hurt. Nobody makes a mess. Just peace and quiet...at least one could hope. Second child goes into hysterics because her skirt is too puffy in her car seat. Pull over, fix the skirt, fix the seat belt and continue on. It's 11:30am and I wonder why I'm ready for bed....


Oly Momma said...

:( Rough start! I hope that you have a calmer afternoon. Those days are the toughest.

Disney said...

hahaha! I know I shouldn't be laughing at your hard day, but this post sure brought a smile to my face. :o) I'm so sorry you didn't get pancakes, I hate that! (And the only time I sit to eat is when I'm eating in front of the computer.) Taking a drive is brilliant idea-I hope you went to Starbucks or something yummy like that. :O)

The Gardner Family said...

Paige, I sure hope Stephen appreciates you a ton. It is by Gods grace alone that us Mommas function and can get through those days. I am so sorry its been a rough one for you, praying the rest of your week improves!!

jacquelyn said...

being a mommy can be so hard sometimes! It is OK to feel that way! I hope you're gaining back some sanity today! May God grant you the strength for today and hope for tomorrow (:

Kamille said...

i'm tired simply reading your morning. I hate those mornings/moments in parenting. I sure hope the evening gave you some solace. I'm glad you buckled them in and drove for a moment's rest.