Pretty little Pear- what a silly girl. She is such a helper with her little brothers. She loves to please her mommy and daddy. She loves to dance and we are thinking about letting her take hip-hop lessons soon!
My handsome big dude. This kid is a trooper. We've been adjusting to life with a new little dude in the home and at times I feel as though I received a new baby only to have the older one transform into a monster. That was not what I anticipated but we are working through things. Pike loves Crew, he just wishes Crew didn't have to be held by mom, fed by mom, and loved by mom as much as he is. Pike loves everything a typical boy loves. Right now he especially loves "aiw-panes". His love for airplanes started after a recent fighter jets were practicing their drills overhead Tumwater and he got to see them in all their glory. Now he is constantly on the lookout.
And finally, my sweet baby dude. Crew is 2 1/2 months now and is as sweet as ever. He is full of smiles and coos and the whole family enjoys soaking him up. Crew is chunking up nicely and seems to be right on track for growth and maturity.
What a blessed life I live!
1 comment:
very adorable faces in deed! You are so blessed by a wonderful husband, just knowing you both exist in this world is lovely. (: and looking forward to seeing you and pike tomorrow night!
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